O-Ring Canister Seal


SKU: GS-006

The O-Ring Canister Seal is comparable to the Barnstead™* GSX28. The seal is for use in the B-Pure™*, E-Pure™* and NANOpure®* Quad Style canister housings. We recommend replacing the seal when the cartridges used in these systems are replaced.

*Barnstead™, B-Pure™, E-Pure™ and NANOpure® are either trademarks™ or registered trademarks® of Thermo Fisher Scientific.. LabStrong Corporation cartridge products are not affiliated with, nor supplied or manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific.

* NOTE - SHIPPING: All Prices are F.O.B. LabStrong Corporation, Inc.'s  Factory in Dubuque, IA. We will work with you on the best way to ship based on cost and date needed.


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